4/4 Weekly Update

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Happy Monday everyone!

Episode 6 Progress

Finished the ending scene for the episode. Now moving onto the last scene that needs to be completed, Chronologically, it’s the third scene.

Episode 6 - Backup Episode 6 - Backup2 Episode 6 - Backup3 Episode 6 - Backup4

There’s no specific reason for why I chose which scenes to clean up in which order. Scene 3 is the second biggest fla file I have, after Scene 1. After I finished Scene 1 and 2, I sort of wanted to take a break and handle the smaller files first. Considering the length of this file, it might take me all of this week and next week to finish it. I’m finding a pace where I’m able to do about 2 minutes of animation per week if I’m not bombarded with external things.

The episode’s animation clean up will definitely be done this month. However long it takes for my sound designer to handle the audio clean up, sfx placement and mixing is unknown. But let’s say the earliest release is May and the latest will be June. Either way, the episode is coming out soon.


Minisodes are my way of taking what could be considered  “anime filler” and taking them out of the normal episode order. All the events that take place are canon and do fit within the series timeline, usually between major events. Up til now, a lot of these have been audio only for the sake of time management.

The next minisode that will release after Episode 6, is going to be a fun one.

“War” takes place about a week or so after the events of the Act 1 finale.

Volleyball-Team Dolor

Volleyball-Team Novus


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